I wish you knew how excited I am to post this information! The author of the brand new book, Father Michael Rothan, is a good friend of mine. He is a phenomenal homilist, a fantastic retreatmaster, and an orthodox, faithful and holy priest. You will most definitely want to bookmark the page that this link will lead you to so that you can place your order just as soon as possible: http://www.authorhouse.com/BookStore/ItemDetail~bookid~54922.aspx.
I hope to offer another post once I hear that orders may be placed as a reminder to everyone. Here's a brief teaser about the book:
"This book is the fruit of holy hours and meditations on the readings for Sunday Mass throughout the year. The author journeys with us on the road to the 'Kingdom.' This book is not so much a map or a guide for the journey, as much as it is a rest stop along the way; allowing us to gather our own thoughts and reflections of what it means to be a 'child of God'."
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